And of course write them... 😉
Finally here I am finally publishing my own work! It took me a long time to get her but I am glad I made it.
I have been ghostwriting for about a year now and I have done various other types of work before as well. I have loved reading since I was a little girl though I never thought I would start writing.
But as I have gotten older the thoughts and fantasies in my head have just grown and grown and now I finally want to write them.
My husband and my mom told me to just go for it- that I don't have anything to lose so here I am.
So here's a bit of my story and then I'd love to hear about yours!
I've been reading books for pleasure since I learned how to read. I remember my favorites been The Babysitters Club and Girl Talk. I even used to have a pleasure book to read at school and then one to read at home. I just devoured books.
My love for books only grew stronger as I read more and more. I used to be an avid library goer but now I am all ebooks all the time. 😌
I can't even say there was a time when I wasn't reading a book. Sure there have been times in my life when I was busier and sometimes had some long hiatuses but most of the time I am reading a book cover to cover.
I never thought I would like writing though. I had done some creative writing back in school but not really anything fun. Now I got to write what I wanted and it's great because you get to be completely in control of the story and decide what gets to happen and what the characters are like. It's similar to reading but instead the words are pouring out of you instead of streaming inside of you.
I've always read romance books and as I got older my romance stories got hotter, deeper, darker, and oh so delicious. I love this quote below- isn't it so true??

Besides reading and writing- I've always been a hopeless romantic and am glad I got lucky enough to find my best friend whom I married. We have two beautiful children together and also lots of animals. I have a handful of close friends who are near and dear to me and a wonderful relationship with my parents.
I want to reach out and get to know my readers and listen to what they like. Please feel free to contact me in any way through here or any of my social media links on the bottom of my page. Eventually I'll be sending shout out emails to my fans so watch for a newsletter sign up soon!
I also will be giving out copies of my books for ARC reviews which I will offer on my blog here and on my Facebook page. I'd like to do giveaways and other fun stuff too. And one thing I love doing is posting hot sexy pictures of men that we can think of as our book boyfriend or boyfriends I should say. You never can have too many amiright?
Much love guys and hope to hear from you soon!
Until next time,